Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cool Discovery!

We just discovered this new eagle's nest right down the street from us! They had another one last year further away but it had been blown down during a storm. This one is really close but hard to see. We got permission from the people who own the land to go there anytime and watch them and photograph them... so stay tuned for more eagle photos! The pair are in our tree together quite often, but soon one will have to always remain in the nest with the babies. I hope they have several eaglets this year.

Spring is definitely upon us, our crocus are popping up everywhere. The tulips aren't far behind.


charmsbylois said...

Wait ... did you say spring? It is dark, cold, and dreary here plus the sky is such a deep black a cloudburst can not be far behind! I will keep watching for spring though ... it is around here somewhere! Lois

Andrea Guarino-Slemmons said...

Lois if you would just stay home for a while you could enjoy the nice weather we have been having!